

If student attended a Clover Park School District school between 2010-present:

Students who attended Clover Park School District between 2010-present can obtain their records from the last school attended:

School Name Phone Email
Clover Park High School Loraine Reda (253) 583-5521 [email protected]
Lakes High School Karen Palmer (253) 583-5587 ext 7326 [email protected]
Harrison Prep Sonya Moorhead (253) 583-5418 [email protected]

If student left school in 2010 or any time prior to that date:

Students who attended Clover Park School District before 2010 should submit a Transcript Request Form to the Student Services Department to obtain their records.

To request a transcript from Clover Park School District, download and complete the CPSD Transcript Request Form, including a signature and date, and mail it along with a transcript processing fee of $3 per copy, to:

Clover Park School District
Student Services Department
10903 Gravelly Lake Drive SW
Lakewood, WA 98499

Send Money Order or Company check only for $3.00 per transcript, payable to "Clover Park School District." Personal checks will not be accepted. Please do not put cash into the mail. Cash will be accepted in person only.

Alumni may come in person to request transcripts, to the address shown above. We are open Monday through Friday, 7:30 am to 4:30 pm, but we do close for lunch between 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm. Cash will be accepted in person; please bring exact change.

We are very sorry, but we are unable to accept electronic payments, credit/debit card payments, or faxed requests.

Students who last attended school in a district other than Clover Park need to call the last district where they attended.

School Name Phone Email
Clover Park School District Pam Jones (253) 583-5154 [email protected]

Verification of Graduation

We cannot verify graduation or other information over the phone, due to Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) regulations. All verifications will be done via Transcript Request only. Diplomas are not available; they are a souvenir of the graduation experience. Transcripts are the legal verification document. Companies wishing to verify graduation must complete a Transcript Request form, and send that along with a signed statement by the student authorizing them to request this information, and the $3.00 per transcript fee, to the Student Services Department.

For more information about FERPA

SAT and ACT Test Scores

Clover Park School District does not permanently archive SAT or ACT test scores. In order to obtain your test scores, you will need to contact the following:

Click here for SAT contact.

Click here for ACT contact.

Clover Park Technical College, aka Clover Park VocTech

Students who attended Clover Park Technical College (CPTC, CPVTC) need to contact that college directly for their transcripts. We are not affiliated with CPTC and do not have access to their records.

Contact info for Clover Park Technical College:
4500 Steilacoom Blvd SW, Lakewood, WA 98499/> (253) 589-5800

Click the link to go to the CPTC Transcript Ordering Page.