Ombudsman Guide

Initator Guide for Ombuds Complaint Form

What is an Ombuds?

The Ombudsman or “Ombuds” functions in a neutral role to create a safe and confidential space to discuss issues or concerns related to Clover Park School District (“CPSD”). The Ombuds operates under four guiding principles: impartiality, confidentiality, independence and informality. The Ombuds will work within these guiding principles to establish and maintain a culture of accountability, trust, and cooperation between district staff and families. The Ombuds will work independently of any formal processes to provide informal conflict resolution options for the parties.

When should I contact the Ombuds?

  • If your complaint is unresolved after attempting a resolution at the school or district level.
  • If you are seeking an informal resolution to your concern.
  • If you feel there has been unreasonable conduct that is not directly addressed by CPSD policy.

The Ombuds WILL:

  • Objectively listen to concerns
  • Informally investigate your complaint
  • Clarify district policy
  • Refer resources that are available
  • Make recommendations (as needed) for effective case resolution

The Ombuds WILL NOT:

  • Initiate any formal grievance process (i.e. harassment, discrimination, etc.)
  • Create, set, or change policy
  • Compel district or employee action
  • Act as an advocate
  • Provide legal advice
  • Produce formal findings or make binding decisions

Examples of complaints the Ombuds can assist with:

If you believe…

  • …there has been an improper school level investigation (i.e. HIB or discipline).
  • …an Administrator refuses to assist you with an issue.
  • …a CPSD policy violation has occurred.
  • … your student is not receiving specific accommodations or services outlined in a 504 Plan or IEP.
  • …you or your student is being treated unfairly after voicing a concern.

How do I contact the Ombuds?

There are two primary ways to contact the Ombuds. The best way is to fill out the Ombuds Complaint form outlined below in the Initiator’s Guide. Additionally, you can email [email protected].

Step One: Contact your School Administrator or District Program Manager
Before completing this complaint form, you should first attempt to solve your concern with the appropriate school personnel or program manager at the district level.

Step Two: Complete the Ombuds Complaint form
If you are unsuccessful at attempting to resolve your concern with the appropriate personnel, please complete the Ombuds Complaint form as described below.

  1. You can access the Ombuds Complaint form from the Clover Park School District Website, or here is the link.
    Ombudsman Complaint Form
  2. Complete all required fields.
    Red Fields are REQUIRED.
    Yellow Fields are optional.
  3. If you are not ready to submit, click on ‘Save Progress’, and you’ll receive an email with the link to your form so that you can edit and submit at a later date!
    A link to your email will be sent with a copy of your form conce you submit it. To see the progress of your form as it moves through the district, refer back to it (just like a UPS package). No worries if it gets lots though, you will also receive an email when the form has been reviewed.
  4. Ready to submit, click on the red SUBMIT FORM button.
    Submit form / Envair formulario
  5. You will receive a copy of the form once it has been reviewed.