Nondiscrimination and Sexual Harassment Policy

Nondiscrimination/Sexual Harassment Policy/Reporting

The district is committed to a positive and productive education free from discrimination, including sexual harassment. This commitment extends to all students involved in academic, educational, extracurricular, athletic and other programs or activities of the school, whether that program or activity is in a school facility, on school transportation, takes place electronically or at a class or school training held elsewhere. This commitment includes fostering a safe reporting environment for all students and acknowledges complaints have multiple layers of complexity.  To foster a safe reporting environment, the district will continue to encourage students to come forward when schools review the sexual harassment policy each year. Discussion will include who students can make such reports to, that retaliation against a person making a complaint is prohibited and all complaints will be investigated promptly.

Policy 3205 - Sexual Harassment of Students Prohibited
Procedure 3205 P1 - Sexual Harassment of Students Prohibited
Policy 3210 - Nondiscrimination
Procedure 3210 P1 - Nondiscrimination


The procedures include several actions related to prevention of sexual harassment of students:

  • Students will receive age-appropriate information to help them recognize, report and prevent sexual harassment.
  • Staff will receive annual training on sexual harassment and Title IX, will review the current policy and procedure, including staff responsibilities.
  • District and school websites will share information on how to report instances of sexual harassment including the contact information for the appropriate district administrators and the district Title IX coordinator;
  • The policy and procedure will also be readily available on district and school websites and in schools and district offices; and
  • Anti-sexual harassment strategies and expectations will be incorporated into the counseling and guidance curriculum.


Reports of discrimination/sexual harassment may be made verbally, in writing or via email to any staff member anonymously, confidentially or non-confidentially.  All reports of discrimination/sexual harassment will be investigated promptly.

Copies of Policy 3205 and 3210, and its procedure, are also available on our District Board Policies Page and in the Student Services Center at 10903 Gravelly Lake Dr SW, Lakewood WA.

For questions or more information, contact the Executive Director of Compliance and Student Services, at 253-583-5154

Title IX inquiries may also be directed toward the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights(OCR):