COVID-19 Protocols
When to Keep Your Student Home
Please notify your school and keep your child at home if your child is not feeling well or has tested positive for COVID-19. Students are highly recommended to stay home. Staff are required to stay home.
If symptoms persist after testing negative, retest every 24–48 hours through at least five days after symptoms started.
Learn more about exposure and isolation on the Isolation & Exposure tab!
Common Symptoms of COVID-19
Adults and children with COVID-19 have reported the following symptoms or combinations of symptoms, which may appear 2 – 14 days after exposure to the virus:
❑ Fever (≥100.4°F) or chills
❑ Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
❑ Muscle or body aches
❑ New loss of taste or smell
❑ Cough (new, changed, or worsening)
❑ Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
❑ Fatigue
❑ Sore throat
❑ Congestion or runny nose
COVID-19 Intake Form
If your student has recently tested positive for COVID-19, it is recommended to complete an intake form for your student. After submission, you will receive return recommendations from the COVID-19 response team via email. If tested positive for COVID-19, CPSD staff members must complete a COVID-19 Intake form.
Parents/Guardians can complete the COVID-19 Intake form for their student using this link:
Behavioral & Mental Health
Feeling anxious about changes in school routines, such as the discontinuation of masking, is normal and expected. The experiences of children, teens, families, and staff during the COVID-19 pandemic have frequently been complicated and challenging. As the community navigates the next phase of the pandemic, these factors may impact individual emotional functioning.
Check the DOH’s Behavioral Health Resources and Recommendations | Washington State Department of Health and the Mental and emotional well-being | Washington State Coronavirus Response (COVID-19) well-being webpages for additional resources.