Sheri Warrick,
7802 83rd Ave SW, Lakewood WA 98498 . 253-583-5330 Fax: 253-583-5338
Student, Parent and Community Involvement
We have a very active student population that has been involved with a variety of community activities. Our students are involved with our community and our community is involved with the school. Every year, students participate in a host of activities such as the canned food drive, and box tops for education. The ASB has been very active in promoting community service actions and encourages every class to get involved with a community service project.
Parents are also visibly involved at Oakbrook. We both welcome and encourage parents and guardians to participate in the education of their children. The scope of their activities at school is as diverse as the parents themselves. They tutor students, assist with newspaper publications, share their expertise, organize class celebrations, work with teachers on class projects, assist in the library, read to students, count money for ASB fund-raisers, drive and chaperone on field trips, assist with theme reading and paper correcting, help with initial reading activities such as sound and letter recognition, practice with students on their math facts, help in the computer lab, work in the Student Store, create bulletin boards, assist with cooking activities, supervise on the playground or in the lunchroom, assist with grooming on picture day, provide refreshments for Jump Rope for Heart, assist on Field Day, and much, much more! Parents are a creative force in our building and provide a welcomed resource and support that would be difficult to live without.
Parents come to Oakbrook for more than volunteer reasons. It is common to see a high rate of attendance at Open House and many PTSA events. We have parents involved with our Site Council and look forward to recruiting add-itional parents to serve in a governance position.
Our PTSA is a very active organization that supports the school and the students in many wonderful ways. They limit their fundraising activities but create many events that support students nonetheless. They offer events such as the Harvest Carnival, Walk-a-Thon, Scholastic book Fair and Breakfast, Family Dinner, Donuts for Dads, Muffins for Moms, to name just a few.
Oakbrook is in year two of implementing the WATCH D.O.G.S. program. Dads of great students, come to school, help out in the classroom, playground, lunchroom, and bus area. They are easily identified by their WATCHD.O.G.S. shirts. Research has proven that students with involved fathers are more likely to succeed in school.
The community is very involved in Oakbrook because it is a community school. It was their support that allowed so many student service activities to take place. We have developed close relationships with Evergreen College, Starbucks, the City of Lakewood, Jimmy Johns and others who have worked together with the students and staff to create successful learning opportunities for students. We have a strong core of volunteers who come to the school to work directly with the students. We seek to continue to strengthen our relationship with the community.
School Improvement Plan
Goal 1 Math:All district and school staff will ensure that 85% of our students will meet or exceed grade-level in math and disparities among all sub-groups will be eliminated as measured by state, district, and classroom assessments.
Goal 2 Literacy:All district and school staff will ensure that 85% of our students will meet or exceed grade-level in literacy and disparities among all sub-groups will be eliminated as measured by state, district, and classroom assessments.
Goal 3 Science:All district and school staff will ensure that 85% of our students will meet or exceed grade-level in science and disparities among all sub-groups will be eliminated as measured by state, district, and classroom assessments.
Goal 4:As a result of intentional instructional practice all students will grow academically a minimum of one year and students below grade level will grow academically a minimum of 1.5 years; and the district graduation rate will reach 85% or greater in June 2018
Facility Use
Oakbrook's building facilities are used by a variety of groups every year including Scout groups, City of Lakewood Basketball, Lakewood Baseball Club, PTSA, Reality Sports, Lakewood Lumberjacks Football and daycare programs.
Basic - $1,798,925
Title 1/LAP - 121,431
Other allocations - 8,740
Total budget - 1,929,096
District average per-pupil expenditure in 14-15.................................. 11,806.10