COVID-19 Testing
Testing allows people to take precautions, like isolation, in a timely manner to stop the virus from spreading. Timely testing of symptomatic students, children and staff helps reduce lost days of in-person instruction. There are options to access COVID-19 testing in Washington State, including:
- At-home tests: Families can pick up free Rapid Antigen Test Kits from your student's school location.
- Community testing: Families can access COVID-19 testing at community testing locations around Washington State. For locations visit Testing Locations | Washington State Department of Health or call the DOH Hotline at 833-829-4357.
- As of September 25, 2023, DOH is offering up to four free test kits that will be delivered via USPS mail. To order tests, please visit
- Medical providers and clinics: Families may be able to access COVID-19 testing through their medical provider or local health clinic.